Social Value is Key

Inserting Social Value into your procurement strategy

Social Value is Key


Inserting Social Value into your procurement strategy

Social Value is a term used to describe the difference an organisation or project can make to the industry they operate within. This is great for the community, but how does it benefit a business, and what can businesses do to create a social value mindset for them and their team members?

Cubiquity makes it easy for our customers to create a positive community through our ESG Initiative, RISE. One of the partners we link with customers via RISE is Beam, a social enterprise supporting people who are homeless to remove financial barriers to finding accommodation and employment.

On the 24th of February we ran a RISE and Shine webinar with Yasmina Kone, Head of beam recruitment. Yasmina shared insights into the positive outcomes social value achieves, the gaps it fills in current systems and communities and how Cubiquity customers can embed support of beam into their everyday projects.

Don’t worry if you missed it, click here to access the recording to find out more. Or if you wish to discuss Social Value for your business, click here to talk to us.

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